Héctor Ayala (Stand Up Comedy in English)

C/d'August 50 . Pachito Lounge - Ver mapa
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Organizado por TYF Comedy

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Descripción do evento

Straight out the spring break infested beaches of Cancun, and the colorful yet chaotic capital of Mexico - Héctor Ayala is a stand-up comedian from the Barcelona English speaking scene who will take you on a hilarious journey analyzing the contrasts between Latin America and Western Europe.

Starting in the comedy circuit in Barcelona in 2018, Hector quickly grew to become one of the local favorites with his highly energetic story telling.

Hector currently co-produces Uranus Comedy at Space Cowboy, a comedy showcase with the best comedians of the local scene and abroad.

He was a finalist of the TV show Stand-Up Revolution Romania, did his first EdFringe run alongside Andy Casper bringing their split-bill show “Brexico” in 2022, and has previously opened for the superstar Michelle Wolf in Barcelona. Hector has performed alongside stellar acts such as Preacher Lawson, Ngaio Beallum, and Louis CK.

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Una persona con mucha motivación.
Me gustó bastante
Esteban Asistiu o 2/12/2023
Had a good night
Looking forward to more evening's
Lee Phillips Asistiu o 2/12/2023
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